EMDC 2025 Participating Organizations

Below are the Participating Organizations for EMDC 2025 (in the order that they registered).  We will add to this as it grows, so check back here! 

We do not list the 65-ish nationalities attending for security reasons.

Below the first list is a list of the organizations that attended in 2024.

To see a list of all the organizations that have ever participated go here.

Attending in 2025

  1. IMB
  2. SIL
  3. Cru
  4. Wycliffe Australia (and about 10 other independent Wycliffe organizations)
  5. Simply The Story
  6. TWR
  7. Create International
  8. Connect Media Nepal
  9. AGWM
  10. NL
  11. FCBH
  12. Gospel Ambition
  13. Biblica
  14. Bible Society of Gambia
  15. Mission Assist
  16. Word of Hope Nepal
  17. Bible Society of Bangladesh
  18. GIDI Indonesia
  19. Galcom
  20. Zume
  21. Vineyard Media Ghana
  22. Bible Society of Canada
  23. PhilaCAM
  24. British & Foreign Bible Society (BFBS)
  25. OC Bluebird Group
  26. Church of North India
  27. Kavanah Media
  28. Jesus Messiah Comic Media
  29. The Seed Company
  30. Lutheran Bible Translators
  31. Bible for Children
  32. Megavoice
  33.  OneWay Ministries
  34. Church of the Nazarene
  35. Whole World Institute
  36. Great Commission Ethiopia
  37. Kulumi Hope Tech Global
  38. BiblioNexus
  39. Global Recordings Network (GRN)
  40. Himalayan Bible Seminary Academy (HBSA Nepal)
  41. Wycliffe Associates
  42. Kasr El Dobara Evangelical Church (KDEC)
  43. Kalaam Media
  44. Wycliffe Global Alliance
  45. City Of Gates Foundation
  46. Tabita Go / Norea Media Mission
  47. CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network)
  48. Presbyterian Church Of Pakistan
  49. Bridge Connectivity Solutions (BCS)
  50. All Nations Christian College
  51. PROEL
  52. Jesus Loves Ministries
  53. Operation Agape
  54. SAT-7 PARS
  55. MediaWorks – OM
  56. Media Mission the Messengers (Sansa)
  57. 3xM (More Message in the Media)
  58. Guidelines
  59. SEANET
  60. VBN (Vision2020Asia Beyond Network)
  61. Harvest Mission Ethiopia
  62. SonSet Solutions
  63. Far East Broadcasting Canada
  64. Mission India
  65. Tele-Vie-Deo
  66. Operation Snapdragon
  67. Stichting Bovenlandse Inheemsen Suriname
  68. Africa Inland Mission
  69. City Bible Foundation

Attended in 2024

      1. Cru
      2. Kalaam Media
      3. Create Mobile/ Create Intl
      4. SIL
      5. Storyweavers Global
      6. Light of Hope Media
      7. TWR
      8. Help Ministries International
      9. Megavoice
      10. New Horizon Foundation
      11. Wycliffe Bible Translators (this includes about 10 separately run Wycliffe organizations)
      12. GIDI Indonesia
      13. Pioneers
      14. Sand Box Bible
      15. SIM
      16. GCM (Albania)
      17. CAPRO Nigeria
      18. SonSet Solutions
      19. Bible for Children
      20. Connect Media and Advertising
      21. Live Global
      22. Prayvine
      23. IMB
      24. Hope Tech Global
      25. 24:14 And Beyond
      26. Luke Initiative for Scripture Translation
      27. Wandering Sheep Productions
      28. CABTAL
      29. Freely-Given.org
      30. Visual Story Network / Mission Media U
      31. AGWM
      32. Bible League
      33. Operation Agape (India)
      34. King’s Children’s Ministries
      35. World Outreach International
      36. Davar Audio Bibles
      37. Reach Beyond
      38. Team Expansion
      39. Mission India
      40. Neighbourhood Bible Translation Initiative (Nigeria)
      41. YWAM
      42. Al Hayat TV
      43. OMF
      44. Bridge Connectivity Solutions Pvt. Ltd. (BCS)
      45. Child to Child, World w/o Orphans
      46. Kavanah Media
      47. Faith Comes By Hearing (FCBH)
      48. Language Developers and Bible Translators Association (LDBT)(Nigeria)
      49. e-Bible.org
      50. One Way Ministries
      51. IBRA
      52. Badan Penerjemahan Alkitab (Indonesia)
      53. Gokana Language and Bible Translation Organization (Nigeria)
      54. FEBC Int’l
      55. The Jesus Magnet Podcast
      56. Biblica
      57. Himalayan Bible Study Academy
      58. Geneza Solutions India
      59. Lutheran Bible Translators
      60. TSCO (The Seed Company)
      61. Pioneer Bible Translators (PBTI)
      62. Jesus.net
      63. International Association for Refugees (IAFR)
      64. Pusat Penerjemahan Alkitab (Bible Translation Center) 
      65. Matchstick Media Intl
      66. Mission for Language Translation
      67. NLCI, India
      68. CCBT -GLOBAL
      69. Simply The Story
      70. Galcom International Canada
      71. Living Waters Foundation
      72. Joel Productions, India
      73. MediaWorks – OM
      74. AVC-BTM
      75. Jyothis Home For Children (India)
      76. Frontiers
      77. AMG International
      78. Project Video 
      79. Go West Ventures LLC
      80. Araadhak India Ministries
      81. Kitab Company Azerbaijan
      82. PLPT & KLTP, Pk-stan
      83. Friends of Agape (India)
      84. SAT-7 PARS
      85. Compassion Focus Ministry
      86. Christian Vision (CV)
      87. Loving Neighbors (Bangladesh)
      88. Voice of Peace (Thailand)
      89. No Place Left / e3 Partners
      90. Verity Films and Communications
      91. NBCM
      92. UniEvangelica Brazil
      93. Bengal Creative Media
      94. Word Made Flesh (PNG)
      95. GEN (formerly called ICE)
      96. Global Recordings Network (GRN)
      97. SACTS Pvt Ltd.
      98. DECIBEL Training
      99. Presbyterian Church of Pakistan
      100. World Renew
      101. Evangelism Equipping Organization of Cambodia
      102. Lutheran Hour Ministries
      103. Lutheran Heritage Foundation  
      104. Bible Media Group/Lumo Project
      105. Thai Christian Radio Network (TCRN)
      106. Hope From Above
      107. Cornerstone Trust
      108. LEC (Laos)
      109. Pattern Platform
      110. Zindagi TV
      111. World Outreach (Ev Pres Church)
      112. Kawthoolei Hope Theological Seminary
      113. CBase/3Strands/SEVA
      114. Language and Social Development Organization (Myanmar)
      115. Just Projects International
      116. Harvest Mission Ethiopia
      117. Open Doors
      118. OCI
      119. Elohim Church Nepal
      120. Global Outreach
      121. Operation Snap Dragon
      122. Jesus Loves Ministries & Bethany Bible Institute (India)
      123. Kawthoolei Karen Baptist Church (KKBC)
      124. Navigators
      125. TP Media House (Pk)
      126. Vineyard Media (Ghana)
      127. Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
      128. Ethnos 360
      129. LearnStream
      130. The Bible House EBP (No Af)
      131. Outreach Canada
      132. PIJAR TV (Indo)
      133. Voice of Love Cambodia
      134. Global Systems Design
      135. Empowerers Foundation (B-desh)
      136. Payap University
      137. Asian Concerns International
      138. Mission Aviation Fellowship of Canada (MAF)
      139. Mother Tongue Translators Society (MTTS) Nepal
      140. Gospel Ambition
      141. Feba (Pk-stn) (India)
      142. Venture
      143. Hope to Share
      144. SABDA Indonesia
      145. BiblePlaces.com
      146. Eternal Life Fellowship Society (India)
      147. Every Nation Laos
      148. WEC Intl.
      149. East-West (eastwest.org)
      150. New Generations
      151. Pathfinders
      152. PhilaCAM (Egypt)
      153. Avodah
      154. Bangladesh Evangelical Revival Church
      155. GAAMT – Global Accreditation Association for Ministries and Training
      156. Maclellan Foundation
      157. Bethesda Gospel Church (India)
      158. Ablaze Media Productions
      159. Wycliffe Associates
      160. Bridgemaker
      161. Restore Hope (Sierra Leone)
      162. WCIU (William Carey International University)
      163. ReachGlobal
      164. TEAM (The Evangelical Alliance Mission)
      165. British & Foreign Bible Society (BFBS)
      166. MissionAssist
      167. GNPI
      168. All The World Bible Translators
      169. Diversified Media (India)
      170. Davar Audio Bibles
      171. Alpha Indonesia
      172. REACH
      173. AEMM Media Productions (Pk-stn)
      174. Stumo
      175. New Light Christian Fellowship Church (Pk-stn)
      176. PBTS (Philippines Baptist Theological Seminary)
      177. Our Daily Bread Ministries
      178. PCF Thailand
      179. Hope 4 MENA
      180. Wave Media
      181. Thru The Bible (TTB)
      182. CMA (Christian & Missionary Alliance)
      183. Khalibre/ Crosswired
      184. Lifehouse (India)
      185. F5Moments India
      186. Proyek Woto (Indo)
      187. Markapur Divisional Pastors Welfare Society (India)
      188. Lausanne Movement (Media Engagement Network)
      189. Talent Trust
      190. Agape of Bihar India
      191. SONA Publishing
      192. AudioVie France
      193. BahtraKu Foundation
      194. BeyondTranslation.Church
      195. Step Forward Media (Bangladesh)
      196. MPM India (Ministry of Peace Making)
      197. Commission Coaching
      198. The Movement International
      199. FAL (Foundation for Applied Linguistics) Thailand
      200. BibleProject
      201. unfoldingword
      202. DMS (Myanmar)
      203. Indigitous
      204. FULNET
      205. Love For Asia Foundation
      206. New International
      207. Interact
      208. NIEA – CET (India)
      209. Komunitas Cahaya Indonesia
      210. Obedience Ministries
      211. To All Nations
      212. Avainmedia
      213. UrVision Communications
      214. SULUH
      215. Kartidaya
      216. Fida Int’l (Finland)
      217. CMI (Cornerstone Ministries Int’l) (Korea)
      218. Prayer Resolution
      219. Life Media Nepal
      220. AIRSCAPE Technology
      221. Baptist Sumatera
      222. Lahu Living Word
      223. STT Real Batam
      224. Church Unlimited
      225. Bible Society Myanmar
      226. ETEN Innovation Labs
      227. Access Partners