EMDC 2025 INFO Page (Europe)

1. EMDC REGISTRATION, EMDC 2025, Netherlands

You will need to pay (or make sure you have a waiver, or transfer) to be completely registered.
If you started this registration and are no longer planning to come please let us know.


You will need to pay for your housing (by credit card or internal transfer) to have your housing guaranteed.

  1. PLEASE NOTE: Room and board will be booked on your EMDC registration form. You will indicate your room preference and make payment on the same site as your EMDC registration. We have needed to do things differently this year, so your understanding and cooperation is appreciated.
  2. Local/Off site/Own Arrangements: If you make your own arrangements for housing you will need to pay a Day Participant Fee (covers coffee/internet) and you can also opt-in for meals which can be purchased in advance as part of the EMDC Registration.
  3. Security Note: If you feel that staying at Betteld will compromise your security (based on the country that you live in), please book/stay somewhere else. We are taking significant security precautions at EMDC, but we cannot guarantee anonymity for all. We are doing many things to make EMDC a secure venue, but we need to state clearly here that it is very possible that your home government could learn of your participation at EMDC. If this is a problem for you, please do not attend. If you are registered and want to withdraw, please let us know at registration@emdcon.org.
  4. Group Booking: Group bookings can be made on the EMDC registration site. A group booking is made by one person, booking multiple rooms for multiple people.
  5. Couple Booking: Please book together in a single registration.
  6. Housing at Betteld is limited: Betteld will fill up quickly. They only have 350 beds available. Below are some important announcements about housing:

A. Price Guarantee. If you requested a shared room and we are unable to provide a suitable roommate your room rate will not change. Once you have made payment you will not be billed for changes in your rooming situation unless you request an upgrade in accommodations.

B. Refunds. If you need to cancel for some reason, and notify us before 1 May, we will refund your housing payment in full if the cancellation is for reasons beyond your control (at our discretion). Otherwise we will refund your housing payment minus a 10% transaction fee. If you notify us after 1 May we will still do what we can to provide a refund. The amount will depend on your type of booking (shared, single and so on). Note: During registration you may choose to only pay the event fee then pay the housing fees at a later time.  Please note, Betteld room reservations are NOT guaranteed until payment is made. Our low registration fee is non-refundable.

C. Rooms. Single rooms are available if preferred. Sharing a room is more cost effective. Two (2) and three (3) person occupancy is possible and may help your arrangements.

D. Roommates. It is preferred that you arrange your own roommates and register together in a single registration if possible. We are happy to find a roommate for you, if you prefer. We will make the best match we can to minimize costs for everyone.

E. Shuttle Service. For those staying at Betteld, we are arranging for shuttle service between Betteld and the Doetinchem train station and not Doetinchem de Huet.   It is important to provide your arrival flight/train information so that the shuttle driver will not leave without you. Note: The meeting point for the Betteld shuttle pickup at the Doetinchem train station is yet to be determined. Check back later for more information. For additional travel info, see #4 Transportation below.

F. Electrical/Electronics. Please be aware that the electrical system in Netherlands is 230 Vac 50 Hz.
For more information: Electrical Info for EMDC


Due to limited space and resources this year at EMDC 2025 we will not be able to assist with obtaining visas for all passport countries. We value the contributions that everyone brings to EMDC but we see the need to reduce the burden on our administrative team, particularly with regards to countries with little chance of success of obtaining visas to Europe and/or better/easier access to the EMDC event in Thailand.
We may be able to help with special situations from certain countries. To request visa assistance email: visa@emdcon.org.

4. Transportation

The best way to get to Zellhem from the airports is via train to Doetinchem. See our travel page here. You will want to book a ticket from your arrival airport to the Doetinchem train station and not Doetinchem de Huet. Here’s a link to Journey Planner, a very easy planner. Keep in mind trains stop operating after 22:00. For those staying at Betteld, we are arranging a shuttle service between Betteld and the Doetinchem train station. 

You can buy your ticket online by credit card and get a QR code. Foreigners will always pay full price as discount is only with a special pass for frequent travelers. There is no direct connection from the airport to Doetinchem therefore you will have one or more transfers. Also You are on average almost two hours on the train and on stations to transfer. You literally go from west to east Netherlands. Please ensure your flight/train arrival details and Check-in information is listed correctly on your EMDC registration form.

If you are off-site you will need to arrange for local transportation from the train station to your lodging and between your lodging and the conference center each day.


If you are staying offsite and are able to give a ride or would like to share a ride, you are welcome to add your information to the Ride Sharing Spreadsheet (URL yet to be determined) so you can coordinate with other participants about sharing rides. Please note that anyone with the link can see the information in this spreadsheet.


If you would like to propose a one-hour seminar/breakout at EMDC, please write to info@emdcon.org.
See the bios of the previous presenters here.


If you are interested in a display table at EMDC, please go to this page for more information.  If you make the reservation before 30 March, the table is free. There are a few premium table locations that can be reserved for a fee. For a reservation and any questions, write to display@emdcon.org.


If you would like 30 seconds to explain your ministry, or call attention to your booth, please read this information and send your name to minute@emdcon.org to reserve your slot. The MATM coordinator will organize a daily list of presenters and contact you to let you know when your slot occurs.

You could win the “Minne” (see image above) for the most creative presentation.


If you are interested in participating in the worship band, please write to david_gray@sil.org.


For pre-EMDC training please arrive at least on Tuesday 13 May for a start at 8:30 on Wednesday 14 May.

For EMDC please arrive at least on Sunday 18 May for start at 8:30 on 19 May.

The evening of 22 May (Thursday) will be the EMDC Closing Ceremony and departures are after breakfast on 23 May.

For a brief description of the difference between pre-EMDC (Training) and EMDC (Conference), click here.


If you have a new gadget or new language/Scripture software or product that you want to share, please send that information to newgadgets@emdcon.org and we will let you know if it fits and how much time you get to present it during the workshop.


Much of the networking at EMDC happens in the Affinity Groups and Communities of Practice. We will inform you on how the Affinity Groups/CoPs will convene meetings


EMDC 2025 Schedule is available here. The pre-EMDC Schedule can be found here.

EMDC Breakout Sessions are listed here. The speaker bios is available here.


The IT support team kindly asks you to limit your on-line devices while at EMDC. Please turn OFF the wi-fi feature of your unused devices. This will help all of us. We have done a lot of work to upgrade the Internet for EMDC, and we would appreciate your help.  The IT Support Desk is just inside the main hall and team members are almost always there.


Please see emdc.info to better understand the 6 platforms of EMDC. Visit emdcon.org for this conference.


People will be praying for EMDC during the conference. If you would like to be involved in those prayer times, or if you would like to submit a prayer request, please write to Jennifer at jennifer_baughman@sil.org. There will be a small box for prayer requests at the registration table and by the stage. Prayer time is each evening at 19:00-19:30 in a room near the Main Hall lobby. Do you know others who would pray? If so please tell them to write Jennifer. They can put their initials on the digital 24-hour, online chart to pray and get daily updates for prayer. 


    • Kalaam Media: Ready to build your website or app?
      If you’d like to speak with the leaders of Kalaam Media about how they can help you create a website (with free hosting) or develop and maintain apps, make an appointment with them during EMDC. Contact jim@kalaam.org to schedule a time to meet!
    • Faith Comes By Hearing (FCBH) may be available again in 2025 to help you obtain free Audio Bible recordings, LUMO Gospel Films, Covenant Films and Global Bible Apps in several languages (full listing available on website). FCBH is also willing to partner with other ministries in Digital Scripture Engagement campaigns using Audio Bibles, Gospel Films and/or Bible apps built using Scripture App Builder hosted in their Play Store accounts (containing Audio Bible and/or LUMO Gospel Films) taken from BibleBrain.com.  If you are an app builder using Scripture App Builder, you may also avail the free analytics service and dashboard access for your apps (see SAB documentation). Write to asia.digital@fcbhmail.org if you have any questions.
    • Jesus Film and Magdalena: resources available upon request. Please write to Curtis for more information <curtis.hanover@jesusfilm.org>


The 4-day Training Tracks are held during pre-EMDC.  Some of you are coming only for that Training. This is fine. Remember that this is primarily an in-small-class training time, not an overall networking time (EMDC is better for that). However, you have meal times and evenings. If we can assist you in making a connection during this Training time, please let us know who you are looking for at the registration desk, or write info@emdcon.org


Our Affinity Groups/ Communities of Practice will help you connect with others. Here is the growing list of participating organizations for EMDC 2024.  This list is growing so check back to see new arrivals. If you would like to connect with anyone on the list just write to info@emdc.info. Participants at EMDC will be from around 60-70 countries.


EMDC Breakout Session descriptions are listed here.   Speaker bios are available here.

21. Evening Sessions: Films and ad hoc sessions

  • Monday (19 May) at 19:30 is the “Coming Attractions” Film Preview Night (10-15 short films)
  • Tuesday (20 May) at 19:30 – To Be Announced
  • Wednesday (21 May) at 19:30 – To Be Announced
  • Thursday (22 May) at 19:30, Closing Ceremony for EMDC

22. Various Announcements

  1. Photos: Remember the policy that ALL PERSONS in your photos (preferably outside or in a corner) must approve (even if they are just in the background)
  2. Survey: Please fill out your surveys (pre-EMDC, EMDC) (will be sent to you)
  3. Vote: Please vote on line for the repeat Breakout Seminars (will be sent to you)
  4. Guests. Please have all guests/friends get a day pass (and badge) at the front desk.
  5. Dress code.  EMDC prefers “Business Casual.” Please dress modestly when in the public spaces.
  6. Food.  Meals at Betteld are cafeteria style.  Please do not take a lot of food and then leave it!!  Try small samples first, then go back if you like it.  We feel we need to remind people each year to be a good testimony with this.  Thanks.
  7. Travel gadgets:  The wall sockets fit only European, but the power is 220!  Be careful!
    For more info: Electrical Info for EMDC
  8. Credit/debit card:  You may need to notify your credit card company of your travel for your card to work in European countries.
  9. Audio helpers needed!  Our audio team is looking for people to help to run sound equipment.  We’ll show you what to do so just volunteer!  Write to Pierre-Yves at <pymutrux@galcom.org>

23. Session Recordings

We have typically audio recorded our breakout sessions and we will have information for this at the IT Help Desk.

24. EMDC Plenary Presentations

  • Day 1:
    • Affinity Groups
  • Day 2:
    • Dr Joanna Heath (BFBS) Where We Go With The Gospel
  • Day 3:
    • Dr Sue Barclay (All Nations) How We Go With The Gospel
  • Day 4:
    • Jon Ralls (Kavanah Media) With Whom We Go With The Gospel

25. Special housing note

Reserving of rooms at Betteld will now take place on the EMDC website.  You no longer need to go to the Betteld site. To book, please the EMDC registration page.  Any questions please write to housing@emdc.org

26. Regional mini-EMDCs?

EMDC is always interested in starting occasional mini-EMDCs in other languages and venues.  EMDC Español is already functioning. If you (or a colleague) are interested in helping with Spanish, French, or other language please contact Steve (steve@emdcon.org).

27. Sponsoring EMDC?

Several people have asked if they can support EMDC with a sponsorship.  We have made a few opportunities possible.  You can see that page here.

28. Travel Insurance?

One of the sponsors of EMDC is offering all attendees a discounted rate on their insurance needs, either for attending the conference or as you continue to serve where you are serving. Talent Trust, provides services to help Christian Global Workers be their best. Among the services they provide are great travel and international health insurance tailored to your needs. Please see this this important info for 2025. Also see our travel page here.

29. Pretore Excursion

Stay tuned for a possible excursion to visit Pretore in Dordrecht, Netherlands.  They offer print solutions for Bibles & books; They offer short-run printing with thin print paper & roman paper.

30. Take the EMDC Survey!

If you are attending pre-EMDC or EMDC, take the relevant surveys by clicking on the below link (or try out the QR code below or the ones available in the Main Hall Lobby).  These will be available at a later date.


We will often add new material to this list so check back at this link. Please pray for the speakers and attendees coming to EMDC.

See you in Netherlands!

Steve B